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2003-12-24 - 3:23 p.m.

I wish I had money so I could buy my friends the kind of gifts they deserve. If I was Ally Hilfigure, I'd buy Olivia a new computer *all for herself* (with a printer) and I'd buy Blink 182 and wrap them up and give them to Dave.

Candy just doesn't seem good enough for the wonderful people that are my friends.

I decided to make a list of songs that remind me of people or places.

Jimmy Eat World, Bleed America: Reminds me of Wisconsin

Evan and Jaron, We've Never Heard of You Either: Duluth

Avril Lavigne, Let Go (yuck, i know it sucks): Alaska

Dashboard Confessional, Unplugged: Alaska

Sugar Ray, Fly: Fourth Grade, soccer practice.

Shakira, Laundry Service: Anna Maria Island


I guess that is all I can remember right now.

I hope everybody out there has a very enjoyable holiday. Try not to get too wasted and try not to eat too much food.

G'Night kiddies.

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